Wow. I was honestly blown away when I discovered this combo. I have to take my beanie off to the guys at Google, they come up with some fantastic ideas. I'm talking about SketchUp and Google Earth. At some point SketchUp was obviously taken over by Google because its now toting their flag and much like their other products, is available for free download.
For those of you unfamiliar with SketchUp, it is a simple yet really powerful 3D modelling tool, mainly for use architectural design but can be used for anything really. Getting a good looking building together literally takes seconds, but here's the really cool part: Google's version allows you to place your building anywhere on Google Earth. This allows you to see your building right over the satellite image of your home, with all the contours and everything.
If you're really a contributing sort of person, you can upload your creation to Google's database, which I am assuming will one day replace the blandish looking, poke-your-eyes-out grey buildings they currently have in the program. I'll give this one 8 bananas, but only because it's not everyone's slice of pizza.