Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Deweirdifyer Plug-In for Gimp on Windows

If there's a software application worth paying for its Adobe Photoshop, but at around R4,500 its a staunch price to pay. If you're not going to be making money from it, its an even bigger burden to take on.

A much better option is to use The Gimp. It has all the most useful features of Photoshop, and is surprisingly powerful. All the graphics on this site was made with it and it is my free editor of choice. A really nifty portable version has also be made here. Unfortunately the interface does take quite a bit of getting used to and turns a lot of people away. Thats where the Deweirdifier
plug-in comes in. I found it whilst stumbling (surprise) and tried it out on my portable version. There was some tweaking necessary, so if you get stuck then let me know and I'll help you get it working. For all the simplicity of what it does (just adds a background window and groups all the windows together), it makes Gimp a whole lot easier to use.

I can really recommend this plug in to new Gimp users. 9 bananas. It'll get 10 when the bugs are worked out. Also its only for Windows users - I haven't yet found a Mac or Linux equivalent :(


Chris said...

Nice find. Maybe check out as well.

GIMPshop is a fork of GIMP, they've just changed the interface a bit to make it more familiar for Photoshop users.

Anonymous said...

this link is the good one, you don't find it at anymore